P.A.C.T. is a process that help identify our clients' needs and the strategies to achieve their dreams:
The "P" stands for Protect.
On this step we address what needs protection - you and your loved ones, your assets, lifestyle, income, etc. There are several products that can be used to protect you. The best solution will depend on factors such as your age, income, savings, health and goals.
The "A" stands for Accumulate.
On this step we help you save and invest. There are several products and strategies that need to be used in harmony. During the accumulation phase Financial Literacy plays a big role. As always, we are here to inspire and support you. Our newsletter, The Trendlines, will be a great resource for you. Also, we have a special section of the website with tons of information that will help you and your loved ones become more literate about their finances. And let's not forget our events and seminars, always open to you and any guests you bring along.
During this phase the main objectives are to accumulate wealth and to make your money work for you. It may get stressful sometimes because of the market gyrations. But, as always, we are here to help you to focus on your goals and to make sure the best professionals are watching what is going on.
The "C" stands for Conserve.
On this step you are going to start consuming your accumulated wealth. No one can guarantee that you are going to accumulate a sufficient amount to fulfill all your dreams, but together we will do our best. During this phase it is very important to focus on stability and reduce the fluctuations caused by the market. Again, there are many strategies and products that can be used.
The main aspect, though, is to make sure everything is in harmony. Everyone's objective at this point is to focus in enjoying life, whatever "enjoying" means to you. Don't worry, we will be here working for your peace of mind.
The "T" stands for Transfer.
There are several strategies and products that can be used to transfer whatever wealth is left. It is important to keep in mind that we do not need to wait our name to be called. We can help you plan well in advance to make sure your desires can be met.
P.A.C.T for families
Everything starts with your desire to create a P.A.C.T. for life. Then we have our first meeting, when we are going to share stories and dreams. Sure, there is structure to this meeting and some items that need to be covered. But it is all in plain English and simple. We will schedule our second meeting and you will have some homework to do while we will work on a road map to your goals. On the second meeting we will set priorities and start working together. We will be here inspiring you to move into action with our support
P.A.C.T for businesses
Everything starts with your desire to create a P.A.C.T. for your business future Then we have our first meeting, when we are going to check some important aspects of your business, such what we call the missing page on more than 90% of Canadian corporations bylaws. Sure, there is structure to this meeting and some items that need to be covered. But it is all in plain English and simple. We will schedule our second meeting and you and the other business owners will have some homework to do while we will work on a road map to your business goals. On the second meeting we will set priorities and start working together. We will be here inspiring you and the other business owners to move into action with our support.
It is also very important to re-visit the plans once in a while. Needs change, dreams evolve, life happens. We will make sure to schedule follow up meetings, that can be as simple as a phone call.
Our partnerships with great professionals, such as accountants, lawyers, personal trainers, among other specialties will help you keep everything on track during your journey. Watch for their presentations during our events and on our newsletter, The Trendlines.